Shanghai Film Production Services for Any Project

For over a decade, Shoot In China has offered Shanghai film production services for clients across China and worldwide. Established in 2012, our bilingual team provides end-to-end support for all types of productions in Shanghai and nearby cities like Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou. From pre-production and casting to equipment rentals, filming and location scouting, we handle every detail so you can focus on achieving your creative vision.

Shanghai Film Production

Shanghai Film Production Services Tailored to Your Needs

Paragraph: Before filming even begins, our team works closely with you on all aspects of pre-production in Shanghai and nearby regions. This includes scouting and securing filming locations, assembling customized local crews, obtaining necessary permits and insurance, casting local talent if needed, and ensuring all equipment and logistics are prepared. With long-standing relationships with government film bureaus, we are experts in navigating Shanghai’s complex bureaucracy on your behalf.

Shanghai Film Production

On-Set Filming Support and Equipment Rentals

During filming in Shanghai, you can rely on our team for comprehensive on-set support. We work with respected equipment suppliers like ARRI to provide high-quality cameras, lighting, grips and more suited to your specific production requirements. Our experienced producers, directors, cinematographers and other crew will ensure filming progresses smoothly. And if needed, we can secure additional crew and equipment in nearby cities like Hangzhou or Suzhou.

Shanghai Film Production

In summary, for Shanghai film production services, look no further than Shoot In China. Our seasoned, bilingual team has the expertise and connections to handle any type of TV, film, commercial, documentary or feature production in Shanghai and surrounding regions. Whether scouting glamorous Shanghai locations or filming with cutting-edge equipment, we make shooting in China’s center of culture and commerce hassle-free. Count on us for all your Shanghai film production needs.